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A Recipe: honey almond bagels

Whether you are new to my blog or a long-time follower, you may have noticed I rarely post recipes. This is deliberate as I believe recipes and methods are often best experienced in a hands-on, guided, fun class setting; hence why I started a business teaching baking classes! 

However I occasionally make an exception to not sharing recipes, and this is one of those times. 

I developed this recipe for my demonstration at the recent Willunga Almond Blossom Festival 2019. Bagels were a great option because they are reasonably simple and forgiving to get a very delicious result. There are many tricks and techniques to get them "perfect" and many bakers focus on these alone and no doubt their efforts are exceptional. But I find a reasonable bagel with minimal baking experience is quite achievable. 

These bagels highlight almonds through the addition of toasted almond meal to the dough. Rich, dark honey, which contributes a caramel-like sweetness together with the sweet juiciness of the currants and the warm cinnamon is delicious. The rolled oats coating is optional but adds a toasty oat-y flavour and texture and makes it feel perfect for a gourmet breakfast or wholesome brunch.

Most recipes, whether in a book or magazine or a recipe card at an almond festival, simply don't have the space to provide really helpful descriptions and tips and extra information; much knowledge of the process or ingredients is assumed or implied. Unfortunately this is one of those situations. So, please be aware this recipe card was designed to be handed out and accompanied by my demonstration and has far less detail than I normally provide in my class recipes. 

A few quick comments:

  • water - use slightly warm water in winter, or cold tap water in summer - this will help balance the dough temperature. 
  • flour - bread making flour (note: different to bread mix) may be labelled as "bakers flour" or "strong flour" - it's largely available in supermarkets or bulk food shops.
  • texture - following the recipe exactly will generally result in a dense-style bagel. For a lighter texture, which I prefer, at step 7 on the recipe allow the bagels to rise at room temperature until slightly puffy then place in fridge.
  • correction - the printed recipe cards didn't have the currants listed on the ingredients - whoops! The recipe below has the correct amount. (If you saw my demo, and are reading this, thanks! I appreciate your interest!)

Please let me know if you have a go making these, or if I can clarify any details. 


